Ten Years of Impact
…and Counting!
A little over ten years ago, the Center for Popular Democracy (CPD) was founded with the dream of creating a world where we are all free to thrive. Since then, we haven’t stopped—from moving people power to the polls in neighborhoods across the country, to taking bold direct action on the steps of the nation’s Supreme Court, we’ve consistently taken bold action.
The past decade has affirmed what we knew at our founding: those failed by our democracy and most marginalized under white supremacy and authoritarianism—Black, Latiné, low-income, and immigrant communities—will lead us to achieve our vision. Thus, CPD grows the capacity and infrastructure of our 48 affiliates, each led by these very communities, to transform the policies, structures, and systems that define our lives.
To celebrate this journey of just over a decade, we share with you select milestones and victories achieved alongside our affiliates, community members, funders, and partners. It’s a story of growing movement infrastructure, accelerating campaign wins, escalating impact at the polls, building the power of our affiliates, and weaving our network more tightly together. We invite you to explore!

The Center for Popular Democracy (CPD)
CPD empowers communities to create an inclusive, equitable society where people of color, immigrants, working families, women, and LGBTQ communities thrive together. We foster a resilient economy and political institutions that reflect our shared priorities.Learn more >
Leadership Center for Common Good is created.
Brian Kettenring creates the Leadership Center for Common Good (LCCG), convening organizing groups and a seasoned network of leaders across the nation, to learn and fight together.

CPD is founded.
Andrew Friedman creates the Center for Popular Democracy alongside Deputy Directors, Nisha Agarwal and Amy Carroll, Director of Operations Tina Habib, and three anchor partners: MRNY, CASA, and PCUN, to share best practices and strategy across immigrant rights organizing groups and the broader field of community organizing.
CPD launches Local Progress.
Local Progress (LP) brings together elected leaders to exchange policy ideas, strengthen leadership, build regional power, connect with the national progressive movement, and coordinate nationally on key issues. After a decade, LP evolves into an independent organization, boasting a network of 1,300+ local elected officials spanning 673 localities and 47 states.

NYS raises the minimum wage.
CPD, along with the National Employment Law Project and a broad coalition of partners, convinces New York State to raise the minimum wage to $9 per hour, adding $2 billion to workers’ paychecks.
$500k in pilot funding for immigrant defense fund.
CPD works with allies in NYC to win $500k in pilot funding for the New York Immigrant Family Unity Program (NYIFUP), the nation’s first-ever immigrant defense fund that provides legal counsel for individuals who would otherwise face deportation without representation.

Ana María Archila joins as Co-ED.
Ana Maria Archila becomes Co-Executive Director of CPD, joining Andrew Friedman and Brian Kettenring in leadership. Ana María was a co-founder and former Co-Executive Director of CPD affiliate, Make the Road New York/Make the Road Action.
Winning paid sick days in NYC.
CPD co-sponsors a NYC mayoral candidates’ forum centered on low-wage workers, pushing candidates to clarify their stances, sparking political momentum for NYC’s Paid Sick Days legislation. CPD, alongside A Better Balance, provide legal guidance to the NYC paid sick days coalition inspiring a NJ movement where CPD collaborates with the Working Families Party, SEIU 32BJ, and A Better Balance to secure similar worker protections in Jersey City and Newark.

Ending the NYPD’s “stop and frisk” method of policing.
In New York City, CPD plays a key role in Communities United for Police Reform (CPR), the coalition that successfully fought to end the New York Police Department’s (NYPD) unfair and unjust “stop and frisk” method of policing.
CPD expands.
The Leadership Center for Common Good (LCCG) and CPD agree to merge and join forces , combining two movement families into a larger and more powerful network. The new CPD is focused on the crucial work of growing the organizing capacity of our affiliates and building power that belongs to the people.

Fighting police misconduct and mass criminalization.
CPD actively backs national and local campaigns to combat police misconduct and mass criminalization. Post-Michael Brown’s murder in Ferguson, CPD aids partners like Missourians Organizing for Police Reform (MORE). CPD collaborates with the Movement for Black Lives and Ferguson Action Network, coordinating national actions and shaping a policy platform for transformative change.
Creating the Green New Deal Network.
The CPD network helps create the Green New Deal Network, mobilizing major resources in the wake of climate disasters while driving impactful climate campaigns at state and local levels.

CPD launches Fed Up.
Fed Up, a national campaign calling for full employment, higher wages, and a more publicly accountable Federal Reserve, makes national waves when it launches in August at the Federal Reserve’s Jackson Hole summit. The campaign is powered by a coalition of community-based organizations, labor unions, policy experts, and faith leaders from cities across the country.
Raising the minimum wage and passing paid sick days.
CPD and partners play a major role in the national movement to raise the minimum wage and to expand access to paid sick days. In collaboration with partners, CPD drives ambitious minimum wage and earned sick time campaigns in over a dozen geographies, resulting in raises and guaranteed paid sick days for close to 3 million workers.

Leading the resistance against Trump.
CPD Action helps lead the resistance against President Trump’s agenda by innovating direct actions in Congress and across the country.
CPD network grows close to 50 affiliates across 35 states.
In close partnership with MRNY, CPD/A works to bring the Make the Road (MTR) model to immigrant communities in CT and PA.

Minimum wage increases in California.
CPD, partners, and allies secure a $15 minimum wage increase in California, lifting five million workers from poverty.
The People’s Convention.
CPD and partners hold the first-ever People’s Convention in Pittsburgh, PA bringing together 1,600 grassroots leaders, organizers, policymakers, and artists representing people’s organizations from around the country. At this convening we ratify our first-ever Unity Statement, providing the foundation for building a more unified network.

Getting Out The Vote.
CPD partners register 550,000 voters and work to ensure these new voters turnout on Election Day.
Minimum wage, earned sick days, & fair scheduling.
CPD joins allies to pass minimum wage, earned sick days, and fair scheduling reforms in Arizona, Colorado, San Jose, CA, Washington State, and Maine, delivering raises for close to 3 million workers.

Fighting to protect the Afordable Care Act (ACA).
Just a few days after Trump’s election, the CPD Network mobilizes over 10,000 people to Philadelphia, PA, to protest plans by Republican members of Congress to repeal the ACA. The protest coincides with the first meeting between President Trump and House and Senate Republicans at the annual Republican congressional retreat.
Jennifer Epps-Addison joins as Co-ED.
Jennifer Epps-Addison becomes Co-Executive Director of CPD and Network President to our 43 affiliates. Jennifer had been organizing for over 15 years, bringing deep experience building power in communities from the ground up, and a history of activism for economic and social justice issues.

Continued Fight To Protect the ACA.
The Resistance takes Philadelphia by storm as thousands of allies, anchored by CPD affiliate One Pennsylvania, gather in protest against plans to repeal the Affordable Care Act as Trump and Republicans meet at their annual Republican retreat.
Resisting Trump’s Muslim ban.
CPD partners organize powerful and immediate protests at airports around the country in response to Trump’s Muslim ban. Thousands of people turn out to show their support.

First African American and openly gay man selected to lead a regional Federal Reserve Bank.
After years of advocacy by CPD’s Fed Up campaign for increased diversity and representation in the Federal Reserve, the Atlanta Federal Reserve appoints Dr. Raphael Bostic. Dr. Bostic is the first African American and openly gay man selected to lead a regional Federal Reserve Bank.
Harnessing the power of the CPD network.
CPD launches as a federated network to harness the power of 47 people’s institutions spread across 30 states, DC, and Puerto Rico.

Massive action at the Texas State House.
CPD and our Texas affiliates, Workers Defense Project and Texas Organizing Project, organize a massive action at the Texas State House on the last day of the legislative session in response to Texas Governor Abbott’s anti-immigration policies. Activists travel from 10 states to join the action with over 2,000 immigrants and allies turning out.
Bill to remove health care from millions is defeated.
After 6 months of protest and action, the bill to remove health care from millions is defeated 49-51 in July, with CPD and our partners on the front lines of every fight. The victory demonstrates that when we organize, we can win, even when the odds seem insurmountable.

The Hurricane Maria Fund.
CPD launches the Hurricane Maria Fund to meet the needs of Puerto Rico’s most vulnerable communities in preparation for Category 5 Hurricane Maria. In just one month, the fund would raise $3 million to support immediate relief, recovery, and equitable rebuilding in Puerto Rico for low-income communities of color hit hardest by the storm. The Maria Fund continues to raise money for Puerto Rico.
Planting the seeds for Be a Hero.
CPD’s battle against Trump’s GOP tax cuts plants the seeds for Ady Barkan’s moral leadership, and the eventual launch of Be a Hero, which spins off into its own organization in 2021. Today, Be a Hero takes on critical fights to transform America’s healthcare system so that it guarantees all of us the care and dignity we deserve.

Launching direct action with Birddog Nation.
In the first 100 days of the Trump administration, CPD creates Birddog Nation and holds hundreds of practical trainings in direct action tactics across the country with a focus on bird dogging elected officials. This leads to over 100,000 people engaging in direct action during the first Congressional recess of the year.
Holding strong to protect the ACA.
Birddog Nation (over 2,500 strong) and our affiliates travel en masse to Washington, D.C. and engage in 12 non-violent civil disobedience direct actions in direct response to plans to repeal the ACA. Despite Trump’s repeated campaign promises to take away the ACA on his first day in office, it takes conservatives 11 months to remove one key provision of the ACA. To this day, the ACA remains in place and tens of millions of people around the country still have access to healthcare.

The March to Confront White Supremacy.
CPD coordinates this ten-day, 118-mile non-violent march from Charlottesville, VA to Washington, D.C. along with Working Families Party, the Action Group Network, Our Revolution, United We Dream, Color of Change, the Women’s March and several others. Many first-time activists join, as well as longtime activist Mark Ruffalo, and Piper Perabo. The march is a direct response to the white supremacist Unite the Right rally.
Uniting to defend DACA.
After Trump’s shameful decision to end the Deferred Action of Childhood Arrivals (DACA) in September, and to terminate Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for several countries, the CPD Network takes action in nine states to protect TPS and pass a clean DREAM Act. The actions include mass marches, phone banking, door-to-door canvassing in the neighborhoods of key Representatives, and information sessions for affected DACA recipients.

Leading the fight against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanuagh.
CPD joins forces with The Women’s March and Housing Works to organize a mass civil disobedience action to kick off a week of protests in September in support of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, who accused Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her. Over 200 people are arrested in this powerful action.
Integrated organizing & membership building.
CPD launches 14 in-depth organizing programs in 10 states to strengthen integrated organizing & membership building.

Capacity-building via CPD CAMP.
CPD launches its newest capacity-building initiative, Creating Action Movement and Power (better known as CPD CAMP). Held in Washington, DC, CPD CAMP brings together 40 affiliates from 26 states and Puerto Rico for a week-long, multi-track training program. CPD CAMP provides 125 leaders, organizers, communications, political, and development staffers with opportunities to grow as leaders, strengthen their organizations, and enhance our collective ability to create change as a movement.
Winning the most diverse Congress in U.S. history.
During the midterm elections, the CPD Action network knocks on over five million doors, and helps to win 25 Congressional races, eight gubernatorial races, and over 100 state legislative seats and statewide ballot initiatives to win the most female, most diverse Congress in U.S. history. We participate in get-out-the-vote (GOTV) programs that reach more than two million households and help to pass six statewide ballot initiatives on democracy reform and economic justice.

Stopping private prison funding.
Wells Fargo, Chase, and other major Wall Street banks agree to stop financing private prisons detaining immigrants following efforts led by CPD, MRNY, and the Families Belong Together coalition. Together these six banks represent an estimated $1.93 billion, or 72% of the total current financing available to private prison companies, CoreCivic and GEO Group.
People’s Convention draws presidential contenders.
CPD / CPD Action hosts our second People’s Convention, bringing together 1,500 affiliate leaders and members, experts from allied organizations, and CPD’s own staff organizers. The convening is a massive celebration of the network’s accomplishments to date, as well as a place to focus on strengthening leadership, building community, and strategizing on implementation. Three Democratic contenders for President join the event to hear from CPD Action member leaders about our federal policy priorities.

CPD ratifies our Strategic Vision.
The CPD/A Network is working to build a world in which all of us are free to thrive together—where people have the power and ability to control the policies, institutions and structures that define our existence, and where we recognize that true freedom depends on deep interconnection and interdependence. Our Strategic Vision document guides close stakeholders of CPD/A as we work together to build the world we want for ourselves, our families and our communities.
Ensuring Trump is a one-term president.
CPD Action joins so many others in organizing across the country to successfully turnout historic numbers of Black, brown, and young voters at the polls in 2020 and ensure Trump is not re-elected.

Building organizing skills.
Through CPD’s CAMP (Creating Action Movement and Power) initiative, 120 staff and members from 34 affiliates across 25 states and Puerto Rico gather for four days in Orlando, Florida to build concrete organizing skills and community across the network.
Community Solidarity Fund.
CPD/A launches the Community Solidarity Fund to raise emergency resources for the frontline Black and Brown communities devastated by COVID-19 and its economic consequences — granting $700,000 to 27 affiliates across the country to provide cash, food, groceries, and other basic needs to their community members. The fund grants also address urgent organizational needs created by the COVID-19 crisis.

16,000 join our Unemployed Action group.
CPD organizes unemployed workers—with over 16,000 joining our Unemployed Action group—to unite people across class and racial backgrounds and build political analysis and organizing skills. Our efforts to extend unemployment benefits culminate in significant relief packages in December and March that restore the federal supplement at $300/week and secure benefits until September 2021.
Winning COVID-relief funding for Puerto Rico.
We fight to ensure Puerto Rico gets the assistance it needs to weather this pandemic, winning a record $787 million COVID-relief financial package approved by the island’s governor.

Securing funding for immigrants.
While the HEROES Act passed by the U.S. House does not meet our full aspirations, our advocacy goes on to secure the inclusion of immigrants, $915 billion in state and local funding, and $3.6 billion in election administration funding.
Groundbreaking housing wins.
CPD achieve 20 groundbreaking housing policy wins, including eviction moratoria and strengthened renter protections in 11 states, covering 47 million renters and directly impacting over 17 million people at risk of eviction during the COVID-19 pandemic. We also win $7 billion in rent relief in New York and California.

Defending immigrant communities.
CPD wins policies to end local law enforcement collusion with ICE, secure or increase public funding for deportation defense, and obtain relief for excluded workers—culminating, in early 2021, in winning $2.1 billion for workers excluded from relief in New York and $40 million in New Jersey. At the federal level, we mobilize and advocate in advance of the Supreme Court decision to uphold Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and advocate for immigrant inclusion in COVID-19 relief. These victories impact millions of immigrants around the country.
Fighting to Build Back Better.
For a week, the CPD Network holds daily actions in Washington, D.C., bringing a fleet of kayaks to Senator Joe Manchin’s yacht, where directly impacted people—including his constituents from West Virginia—demand action on the Build Back Better Act, such as lowering prescription drug prices and expanding Medicare. As a result, Manchin speaks with our activists and schedules an in-person meeting with them. These actions are covered by CNN, MSNBC, John Oliver, Rachel Maddow, Trevor Noah, Seth Meyers, and more.

The launch of Renters Rising.
CPD’s Housing campaign launches Renters Rising—a national alliance of renters working to shift the balance of power between renters and corporate landlords to guarantee that renters can live with dignity. The alliance now has a base of 790 leaders across the country.
Build Back Better.
While the bill did not ultimately come to fruition, CPD takes pride in helping pass the $1.75T Build Back Better package in the House—which brings us a step closer to making historic investments in climate action, home and community-based care services, child care and paid leave, immigration, and much more.

March on Congress.
Hundreds of progressive activists descend on Washington, DC to march on Congress beginning at Folger Park and ending at Independence and S. Capitol. Four months after passing budget resolution language outlining critical investments in human and physical infrastructure, CPD pushes Congress to deliver on its promises of: green jobs and infrastructure, child care and Medicare expansion, and a path to citizenship for immigrants.
CPD welcomes new Co-EDs.
On the cusp of our second decade, Analilia Mejia and DaMareo Cooper take the helm as our new Co-Executive Directors, bringing fresh vision and extensive field experience to their roles. Under their leadership the network and staff team begin a process to deepen alignment and increase our collective power.

The first federal harm reduction fund in U.S. history.
With the passage of the American Rescue Plan, CPD and our affiliates and allies win the first federal harm reduction fund in U.S. history. In May 2022, New York overdose prevention centers (started in Nov. 2021 after years of work from affiliate VOCAL-NY) won a key grant from the fund worth over $2.3 million.
Birddog Nation helps deliver midterm wins.
Birddog Nation supports billboard actions exposing MAGA republicans across the country. Birddog Nation members advocate to pass the landmark Inflation Reduction Act and demonstrate in front of the Supreme Court on oral argument days for many blockbuster cases—including engaging in non-violent civil disobedience during the Dobbs oral arguments with members of the Congressional Women’s Caucus. In 2023, Birddog Nation trained over 100+ people on birddogging.

CPD launches national housing campaign.
All 48 CPD/A affiliates announce they will throw down in one big national campaign for the first time ever, leveraging our collective power to ensure housing is for all!
CPD hosts its 3rd triennial People’s Convention.
The transformational convening takes place in Philadelphia, PA bringing together over 1200 member-leaders from across CPD’s affiliate network and serving as the public launch of our first-ever network-wide campaign: House Every One.